Ellen Loudon

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Saturday Blues

with 3 comments

I woke up this morning feeling really out of sorts. I couldn’t shake it. I even made a list of all the things that were on my mind – hoping that this would make me realise that none of them were that bad. None of them are. I just feel that all together I am a bit out of sorts. Anyway, apart from giving them to God (which I did – symbolically I wrote my depressing list of the envelope my Church Times had come in yesterday and popped in my bible). There isn’t much that can be done to magically resolve them. There are practical things that I can do to move some of the things on but most just need time. When there is so much on your mind it is difficult not just to get perspective but also to shake off the feeling of foreboding. Like you have to watch your back. It isn’t logical but then these things never are.

I was the first person downstairs (this doesn’t happen very often…I tend to stay in bed until the last possible moment) and turned on the telly. The image of Saddam Hussein being led to the gallows and having the noose tied round his neck was incredibly disturbing. His barbarism is not in doubt but how does this additional barbaric act solve the anything?

Amnesty’s statement on the execution is significant. Malcolm Smart, Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Programme, said:

“Every accused has a right to a fair trial, whatever the magnitude of the charge against them. This plain fact was routinely ignored through the decades of Saddam Hussain’s tyranny. His overthrow opened the opportunity to restore this basic right and, at the same time, to ensure, fairly, accountability for the crimes of the past. It is an opportunity missed, and made worse by the imposition of the death penalty.”

Anyway, I have spent the day cleaning and clearing after the Christmas paper tearing and cardboard stacking celebrations. An unbelievable stash of boxes and plastic bottles have also been amassed. I went to the dump and then onto the living hell known locally as Cribbs Causeway . Neither mission did anything to lift my spirits.

The last episode of Robin Hood is on soon…

Written by ellenloudon

December 30, 2006 at 5:26 pm

Posted in lament

3 Responses

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  1. Well you have had an eventful time while I’ve been gone, cars, cheese, childrens, cleaning, I’ve run out of c’s.I’ve felt strange today too. Here are my two suggestions for you the first I stole from my hero Rachelle Mee Chapman. Get some old plates and a permentant marker, write on them the words that best describe your feelings take them to your garden. Smash them up. Create a pretty little shrine with them by planting them in the ground. Secondly move your furniture around. Ok I’m a feng shiu expert but it always works for me.Hope to see you in 2007.Charity xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


    December 30, 2006 at 6:08 pm

  2. ta Char…Hope you had a more successful holiday! see ya. xxx

    Ellen Loudon

    December 30, 2006 at 6:11 pm

  3. Cribbs Causeway always brings me down. I avoid it like the plague as a rule. Hope you feel better soon anyway.

    John H

    December 31, 2006 at 5:41 pm

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