Ellen Loudon

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Archive for the ‘2007’ Category

first day of the year

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I remember writing a list this time last year of ll the things that had changed in our lives during the year. 2007 was another year of great change, it was also a year of consolidation, renewal and refocus. It hasn’t been without some disappointments but on the whole I feel I have shifted from the person who worked as a senior lecturer in a University to a person who is nearly ready to take on ordination. I say nearly ready because there is still a great deal to be done before I finish in June but nevertheless it has been a significant year for moving on and stepping forward. So, here are some of the highlights of 2007:

January saw me dating Charity, morrising with Liz and seeing Bruce Cockburn.

February was washing machine disaster month and the month I found I was allergic to buttons. Mark and I went to Florence for a short-break and I got a bit grumpy about writing essays.

March I got angry with Jerry Falwell, got involved in a Foundation big service – unknowing God and got sucked into facebook.

In April I went on a college Mission and went to Belfast for a wedding.

May and we went to Ema and Steve’s wedding, to Southall and Cowbridge and Mark had a crisis of doubt.

June was spent writing my PhD and finishing off Trinity work for the year.

July saw Elise turn 21 us go on a few day trips and a week in a yurt but I was mainly writing and speaking to Sara about my PhD.

In August I sorted out a few things – including my curacy (which I had to keep quiet about for a few weeks) and just kept on writing, apart from a trip to Greenbelt we tried to save money and spend the summer in Bristol.

September saw me realise that I was was not going to be able to spend as much time involved in Foundation anymore – the politics of the group was too stressful and I felt to do it justice I would have to commit more time than I was able to, I wasn’t able to do my placement at Foundation nor my solo preaches so I had to find another church community to for my final year. I am still a member of Foundation but can’t really commit as much time to being an active member. This has made me very sad and to be honest is the biggest regret of the year. I wish I had been able to make this work, but there you go it wasn’t possible. I miss the people a great deal and that time to reflect and look at spirituality differently is missing – I haven’t been able to replace it. I hope I will be able to contribute a little more once my preaches and placement if complete but that remains to be seen.
On a happier front I finished a draft of my PhD and started being involved with St Peter’s Lawrence Western. I started a new year at Trinity and finally got rid of the Saab. Re:jesus blog won an award and we went to see PJ Harvey.

October I got very tired, I did my first preach and was ill. But I went to Liverpool again and finalised the curacy and let the PhD rest for a few months. The relief was palpable. I could just get on with finishing ordination training and doing my theology degree.

In November I was 40 – enough said!

December has been very busy at college and church as one would expect.

So, it has been an eventful year. Many adventures have been had. I am proud of what we have achieved as a family this year and despite a few disappointments I think we have done very well. I know 2008 will be a challenge and we will experience many new changes and challenges. But I am excited about it all – finishing Trinity, being ordained, moving back to Liverpool, starting a new job etc etc. Bring it on…

Written by ellenloudon

January 1, 2008 at 9:46 pm

Posted in 2007